Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Lorsham on the Red Colonisation Envoy are to Return Immediately
All Lorsham that are members of the Red Colonisation Envoy are to return to the Lishna immediately. There are infiltrators in two of our facilities.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
We survived
It seems that we have succeeded where our brothers could not. We survived. We have already won. We never expected this would be the consequence. Our chapterhouse at Evandale was destroyed, but this is a small price to pay for what we have gained. We lead you brothers, that you may subdue this world also!
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Betrayers are Dead!
We have executed the Betrayers for their Crimes against the DorsLishn.
Both their Per'tnel are now ours. We will combine them with the Donar'tnel and fulfill the Prophecy!
Yatux tenem fe Tnem'Abie
Fe Tux Lorsham lulsh Tesmna Etermul Dhrem Ol bel dwsd hrend fai.
Yatux na fe Tnem'Abie tenem. Fe Pern'tnel ginul na fai mitux.
Yatux na tenem fe Tnem'Abie um fe Tilean. Na sekeri Korpata fain yatuxul.
Tnem'Abie um Tilean parti fain hlwnd!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Scattering
The Scattering is over. Our Novices may now rejoin the hunt for the Book's location in time and space. The TEDO have been Blessed for their efforts, the Scattering had no lasting consequences. This must be a sign that the Book approves of our struggles throughout history to return it to its rightful owners. We will once again be Managers of Time. We will be Masters of Time!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Teaching 6: I hope this helps
Monday, June 22, 2009
Teaching 5: The Purpose of the Tesmna Etermul Dhrem Ol
When the last DorsLishn, Master Tesm, was about to die, he entrusted to his most trusted Novice the knowledge of the Ancient Speakers. It was all contained in the Korpata DorsLishnul. Within it is a lesson about the location of the Book before the coming Scattering. From this lesson we have copied the pictures contained here...
Here is another if it will help you achieve our end.

Our purpose is to obtain the Book that we may be able to bring the Prophecy to pass.
It has been foretold by the Book that our involvement will be instrumental in the Prophecy. We will, therefore, fulfill our divine purpose.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Teaching 4: Partinge Tnemul
To those who are yet deceived by the words of the ZurkDorsh, you either do not know her history, or you have been bewitched by her charms.
How hard we have worked, how long we have waited. We are the rightful heirs of the Book. We are the only Speakers who can speak to him now.
The Book will not help the Partinge Tnemul. Now that we have the Tylean, we will be the new Keepers.
We do not need you. But you are our future. You will be the Kings and Queens of the future.
We will show you our good faith by releasing further knowledge about the location of the Book.

It must be found
Teaching 3: DorsLishn & Temporal Mechanics
Some Novices have asked us why the name of our ancient order is DorsLishn or the Order of Darkness. The answer is usually unexpected. We fear that with the current Noviciate being so wide spread, that his lesson may not be learned well on informal classes. Therefore we will publish it here. The word Dors comes from Dorsh, meaning Darkness (but more formally meaning "the absence of light" with reference to travel in Time and the Management of Time).
This is a temporal mechanics term, which we will now explain by quoting (a translation) from the Book of Time (Korpata Tnemul).
A Novice must learn the term Dorsh as it is essential to the learning of Management of Time. Let us consider the time between moments (designated tr). In linear temporal mechanics, t0 is directly related to the speed of the observer relative to the speed of the object being observed. The equation is as follows (this will be known to the world in the latter times when the DorsLishn are in hiding):
tr = t0/sqr_root(1 - (v^2/c^2)) or for simplicity, tr = t0/g, where g = sqr_root(1 - (v^2/c^2))
Now, then, for the time between moments to be equal to infinity (ie no passage of time) the speed (v) would need to be exactly equal to the speed of light (c):
g = sqr_root(1 - (v^2/c^2))
for v = c = 299792458m/s,
then g = sqr_root(1 - (c^2/c^2))
= sqr_root(1 - (1/1))
= sqr_root(1 - 1)
= sqr_root(0)
therefore g = 0
Thus tr = t0/g
tr = t0/0
Therefore tr = infinity
Now, with complex mathematics, traveling faster than light, would cause the time between moments to become negative...this would allow time travel backward in time. However, the energy required to do this would have to be greater than infinity, which is obviously impossible.
Now, this would be like the energy required to go from traveling forward in space at speed x and in an instant traveling with the same speed x but in the opposite direction (ie without slowing or stopping). This is obviously also impossible. But consider riding a horse in one direction and then wheeling it around in a semi-circle, keeping the same speed, but changing the direction in a perpendicular spacial dimension. This would allow one to turn around and travel in the opposite direction.
Temporal mechanics is likewise two-dimensional. The Power of the Book allows us to turn around within the time-area and return to a previous time. The Book also allows "short-cuts" to reach future events sooner than otherwise experienced. In essence, this allows a relative freedom of "movement" in time.
The equations for this type of travel are held in the next three chapters.
We will not quote the following chapters here. But they mention what happens when one is turning around in time. There is a darkness that appears, as light (a child of time) is unable to penetrate the frame of reference of the traveler. It is to this darkness that we refer with the name DorsLishn
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Teaching 2: The Lore of the Ancients
The ancient DorsLishn performed many wonders among men. They were able to bring rain from the clouds of the future to giver water the the lands of the present. They were able to predict the actions of Kings and Enemies to be able to defeat them. Their wonders were indeed great, but equally great was their arrogance. They were so sure of their own Power against external enemies, but they forgot the Source of all downfalls, the enemies within...They could not foresee that which the would not consider. They were blinded by their own riches. They were weak.
The TEDO have learned from the Lore of the Ancient DorsLishn and also from their Errors. We are stronger than they. We will not make the same mistakes.
They foresaw a time when the Book would be taken from them. In their arrogance, they did not question when this would happen; they thought it would not happen in their watch; they thought they could keep it guarded against any force. They did not expect it would be the Tylean, their own flesh and bone. However, they left us the records of what the Book said about where it would be hidden in during its exile. They did it as a curiosity. They did not expect that it would be required. They thought they could alter events as they normally would. They were wrong.
Here are the signs left by the ancients. Study them well and find for us the Book. But beware. Do not approach it until the Scattering is over.

Teaching 1: In the Beginning
TEDO is an acronym for Tesmna Etermul Dhrem Ol. This is how we are known in these days. Yet it was not always so.
Before the one who now calls himself Tylean stole the Book from us, we were known as the DorsLishn. Our sacred cause was to help the Book bring to pass its Prophecy. Our Seers had looked into the Book and found that the Prophecy must fulfilled with our help. Foolishly, he who calls himself Tylean found a book written by the Zurkpert (those who had previously stolen the Book from us). This "little" book kept corrupt knowledge. The philosophy of the Zurkpert was of non-intervention. Of allowing events to merely "unfold". We hold no such notions. The Book has Power. We, being the Speakers of the Language of the Book, therefore we have the responsibility to act in what we know to be correct. With the Book we have the Power to Manage Time and Life. Surely this Gift was given to us to be able to Manage Events. With the Tylean holding the Book, our Power was dwindling. We could no longer affect events or bring to pass corrections in Time. Therefore we forged out of the Molten Stones of the Middle West the Donar'tnel. These are the Stones that hold Power over Death. This has given us Power that has assisted us since the Book was taken. However, now we hold the Tylean captive. We will overcome the challenge set before us. We will find the Book and once again be Masters of Life! We will combine the Power of the Book and the Donar'tnel and we will Reign over this world to bring to pass the Peace spoken of in the Prophecy. We will do so, for who is there that can stand before us?
Friday, June 19, 2009
Bilvin Novices of the Tesmna Eermul Dhrem Ol
This will be the place where we can gather for the Teachings.
It is well that the world is becoming aware of our presence.
We will Unite the Dorsh Aram 'tnel with the Book.
The Book of the Prophecy will Return to us and we will re-create our destiny.
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