The ancient DorsLishn performed many wonders among men. They were able to bring rain from the clouds of the future to giver water the the lands of the present. They were able to predict the actions of Kings and Enemies to be able to defeat them. Their wonders were indeed great, but equally great was their arrogance. They were so sure of their own Power against external enemies, but they forgot the Source of all downfalls, the enemies within...They could not foresee that which the would not consider. They were blinded by their own riches. They were weak.
The TEDO have learned from the Lore of the Ancient DorsLishn and also from their Errors. We are stronger than they. We will not make the same mistakes.
They foresaw a time when the Book would be taken from them. In their arrogance, they did not question when this would happen; they thought it would not happen in their watch; they thought they could keep it guarded against any force. They did not expect it would be the Tylean, their own flesh and bone. However, they left us the records of what the Book said about where it would be hidden in during its exile. They did it as a curiosity. They did not expect that it would be required. They thought they could alter events as they normally would. They were wrong.
Here are the signs left by the ancients. Study them well and find for us the Book. But beware. Do not approach it until the Scattering is over.

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